How to recover a lost account in apex legends mobile

recover a lost account in apex legends mobile

Do you lose your account Data on apex mobile?

Sometimes when you log in to apex game as guests when you log out from the account all of your data will be wiped out and all your data will be removed.

The only way to recover a lost account on apex legends mobile is to contact the apex support team.

You will need to send an email to the apex mobile support team to recover the lost account.

After a few days, The EA support team will contact you and help you to recover the lost account of the apex game.

How to get back apex legends mobile account

To "recover apex mobile account" you need to contact with EA help center.

You can fill out the form by tapping here.

Alternatively, you can also go there when you open the apex mobile game and tap the "?" icon at the top.

A new window will be open with you tab there on the contact us button.

After that new window will be open and asks on which device you play the game you play the apex mobile game.

From the menu, you can select the "iPhone", "iPad", "Phone", and "Tablet" Select the devices that you play the apex mobile game.

Once you select the Devices on the new window new menu section will be open with you.

The menu contains promotions, Can't log in, Missing Content, etc...

Here Search for a Banned and suspended account and tab on it.

recover a lost account in apex legends mobile

After you tap on the Banned or Suspended account button new form will be open with you.

recover a lost account in apex legends mobile

First, you need to fill out this form to recover the lost account of apex mobile.

To do so, Write "First name", "Last Name", and "Email address" once you fill the field and then tab on Next Button at the bottom.

recover a lost account in apex legends mobile

After you tab the "Next" Button this new form will be open with you which give two option.

If you Us and Canadian citizen then you contact us with a mobile number but if you do not then you need to contact us with 2nd method.

In the 2nd method Scroll to the bottom and tab on Email which opens with your new form.

In the form, you need to Enter your first name, last name, and Email address.

Next Enter this Subject "Recover Email Address".

After that Please Describe your issue Explain what happened with your account and also mention the apex mobile game user ID.

After that Tab on Submit button and wait for "EA response" to contact you.

Further readings

How to fix "Sorry, but you do not meet the criteria for registration" on apex legends mobile

How to Create an account on Apex Legends Mobile

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