Are you looking to change the language in apex legends mobile?
"Apex game" mobile version is released on 17 May with 20 Different "Language".
You can change the language of "apex mobile" in the language section of apex mobile.
To do so, Tap on "Settings" In the bottom corner where the main settings window will be open with you.
On the right side scroll to the bottom and search for the language button and tap on it.
There you will be seeing the language Section with the edits button tap on it and change the language of apex mobile.
Here's Step by Step on how to "Change language in apex legends mobile"
Step 1: Open the apex legends mobile game and tap on Settings
The first thing is to navigate the "apex mobile" in your device and open it.
After you open the apex game the main menu of the game will be open with you.
Next, Tap on "Settings Icon" in the bottom left corner of apex mobile.
Step 2: Tap on "Language"
After you tap on the "Settings" Icon Next to the main menu of apex mobile settings will be open with you.
Here you will be seeing all the different Settings of apex mobile "Basic", "Gameplay", "Controls", "Graphics and Audio" etc...
Here you need to find language settings and tap on them.
To open language settings go to the right side menu scroll to the bottom and search for language tap on it.
Step 3: Tap on Edit Icon
After you tap on "language" you will land on this page.
Here Three Different options will be shown to you "main language", "Secondary language", and "voice-over".
To "change the language" of the game you need to change the main language.
To do so, Tap on the edit icon on the right side.
After you tap on Edit icon new window will open with you where it will show 20 different languages in the apex mobile game.
Form There "Selec the language" and tap on ok.
After you select the main language new pop-up will be shown which will be asked to restart the game and log in to the game again.
Completing this Step your main language of apex mobile will be changed.
You can also change the Secondary language in apex mobile if you want.
To "Change Secondary language" in apex mobile tap on the edit button select the language then next tap on ok.
Why I can't change the language to English in apex mobile
Some people facing this issue regarding apex game language the main language of the game is selected by default Chinese and it's not changed to English.
To fix this error Select any other language first then after that tap on the English language it will be changed.
The Apex legends mobile is come up with 20 Different worldwide languages.
The simple way to "change language" in apex mobile go to mobile settings then tap on the language button after that tap on edit Icon and there select a new language for the apex game.
You can also change the secondary language for apex mobile by tapping on edit Icon next to Secondary language settings.
Further readings
How to fix "Sorry, but you do not meet the criteria for registration" on apex legends mobile